Basic activity policy
From hospitalization to outpatient care, From outpatient care to home care, Being healthy at home.
Basic activity policy
Based on the concept "From hospitalization to outpatient care, from outpatient care to home care, being healthy at home," the COI strives for the creation of a
"Self-managing healthy society."
The COI, making the most of the comprehensive strength and research resource of the University of Tokyo, focuses on research and development for the establishment of a Medical ICT Platform as a foundation for the next-generation health and medical industry. Activities described in the following sections 3 and 4 are conducted based on this foundation.
The COI works on utilizing the health examination data to realize "visualization of health risk" and also develops an application which will promote behavioral change by producing a picture an individual’s future health risks.
As for "Immunological disease prevention measures," the COI develops preventive medical technologies by genome analysis, as well as builds the information space which will allow people to receive the same services as in the hospital by utilizing ICT. In addition, we also develop an application which lead to prevent serious condition and promote personal behavioral change.
The COI works on "medical technology innovation" leading to the reduction of patient burden, the improvement of the quality of QOL and home health care. by development and social-implementation of the diagnostic, therapeutic and healthcare equipment that are available safely and easily, even outside of the hospital.
The COI will establish an "Open Innovation Center", a medical technology assessment laboratory, in the Molecular Innovation Building nearby hospital premises in which all stakeholders in academia can participate in equally.
The COI conducts research and development Under-One-Roof, aiming for the establishment of an Open Innovation Platform. A Social Implementation Promotion Group is explicitly organized to further drive social implementation of the project results.